Social services
The Hospital Social Service, available at both the Centre Hospitalier du Haut-Valais (SZO) and the Centre Hospitalier du Valais Romand, provides free and confidential support to patients and their families. Both services focus on support during hospitalisation and social and professional reintegration, with an emphasis on autonomy, integration and material security. The two services work in a multidisciplinary way and are available to inpatients and long-term outpatients, as well as their families, for any questions relating to social insurance, administrative or financial procedures, and the management of day-to-day affairs during hospitalisation.
Centre social services
Centre Hospitalier du Valais Romand
Rue St-Charles 14, 3960 Sierre 0795714108 isabelle.fontannaz@hopitalvs.chCentre Hospitalier du Valais Romand
Av. Grand-Champsec 80, 1951 Sion 0798263945 nadia.notoperna@hopitalvs.chCentre Hospitalier du Valais Romand
Av. de la Fusion 27, 1920 Martigny 0797799096 joyce.adkins@hopitalvs.chCentre Hospitalier du Valais Romand
Vers Saint-Amé 10, 1890 Saint-Maurice 0797799096 Joyce.Adkins@hopitalvs.chSpitalzentrum Oberwallis (SZO)
Spitalzentrum Oberwallis (SZO)
Überlandstrasse 14, 3900 Brig 0276043437