
Hepatology is one of the specialist fields of gastroenterology and focuses on the medical treatment of diseases of the liver and biliary tracts .

Liver diseases can have a number of causes: medication, alcohol, drugs, numerous viruses, genetic anomalies, diabetes, malignant and/or benign tumours etc.
Following an initial diagnosis by the physician in charge, the patient will be given an outpatient consultation appointment with a liver specialist at the Sion site. Depending on the nature of the pathology in question, several analyses may be carried out in order to determine the level of severity of the illness and to identify the indications and treatments required. These analyses may be carried out based on blood and urine tests, ultrasound imaging (scanner) or biopsies.

Various treatments are possible depending on the level and source of the illness. These may include surgical intervention, targeted medication or a liver transplant.

Regular follow-up of the patient enables the development of the patient’s live disease to be monitored and treatment to be adjusted, if required.

Valais Hospital has numerous multi-disciplinary consultants operating in the fields of oncology, radiology, surgery, infectious disease and internal medicine who support the treatment of patients.


Consultations take place on two half days on Monday and Wednesday mornings for pre-booked appointments.

  • Av. du Grand-Champsec 80
    1951 Sion VS, Suisse
    Phone : 027 60 34128

  • Institut Central des Hôpitaux        
    Av. du Gd-Champsec 86
    1951 Sion VS, Suisse
    Phone: 027 603 47 80

