Screening for HIV / AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections
The Infectious Diseases Department of the Central Institute of hospitals is responsible for the organisation of screening for HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases for the Canton of Valais, in cooperation with the SIPE centres (Sexuality Information Prevention Education).
As well as screening, this department brings together all of the fields connected to infectious diseases: medical consultations in infectiology, microbiology, the prevention and control of infection (or hospital hygiene or hospital epidemiology), travel medicine, and combating infectious diseases.
Screening, which can be entirely anonymous, is carried out by the medical assistants, nurses and doctors of the department, in accordance with the guidelines issued by the Office fédéral de la santé publique (OFSP, Federal Office for Public Health).
Screenings are carried out at the outpatient department of the Infectious Diseases Department at the Institut Central, by appointment only on 027 603 47 80, or at a SIPE centre.