Neuropaediatrics Neurocentre du Valais

Paediatric neurology (neuropaediatrics) is concerned with the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic neurological conditions in children. The most common problems treated in neuropaediatrics include:

  • Epilepsy, movement disorders and loss of consciousness in children
  • Migraine and other types of headache
  • All acute diseases of the nervous system (infections, inflammations, strokes, etc.)
  • Brain malformations
  • Neurometabolic and genetic diseases.

It also aims to assess, diagnose and investigate developmental disorders in children:

  • Developmental disorders affecting motor skills, language, etc.
  • Autism spectrum disorders (close collaboration with the SPPEA, led by Dr B. Guignet as head of department)
  • The aim of the specialist clinic for learning disabilities is to diagnose, evaluate and manage severe learning disabilities in children, at the request of the treating physician, a child psychiatrist or disability insurance. It is intended specifically for children between the ages of 7 and 16.


Neuropediatric clinic

During the consultation (lasting one hour), the neuropaediatrician interviews the child and their family and carries out a neurological examination. At the end of the examination, the physician decides on any further tests to be carried out (brain imaging, electroencephalogram, etc.), and a treatment and/or management plan is proposed.

Learning disabilities clinic

During the consultation (lasting two hours), the neuropaediatrician assesses the patient's history, interviews the child and their family, carries out a neurological examination and gains an impression of the child’s development and/or intellectual and educational skills. At the end of the examination, the physician decides on any further neuropsychological evaluation (carried out by R. Bruchez at Martigny hospital) and/or other examinations (brain imaging, electroencephalogram, etc.), and a treatment and/or management plan is proposed. Depending on the situation, a paediatric psychiatric evaluation (physician and/or psychologist), either in a joint consultation or as a separate component, may be proposed.

Developmental disorders clinic (together with senior child psychiatrist, SPPEA)

During the consultation (lasting two hours), the neuropaediatrician and the child psychiatrist assess the patient's history, interview the child and their family, carry out a neurological examination and gain an impression of the child’s development. At the end of the examination, and depending on the assessment, the physicians propose additional care (special education, speech therapy, etc.) and determine the need for any additional evaluation or follow-up in child psychiatry. They also decide on any further examinations (brain imaging, electroencephalogram, metabolic/genetic testing, etc.).

