Paediatric neurology (neuropaediatrics) is concerned with the assessment, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic neurological conditions in children. The most common problems treated in neuropaediatrics include:
- Epilepsy, movement disorders and loss of consciousness in children
- Migraine and other types of headache
- All acute diseases of the nervous system (infections, inflammations, strokes, etc.)
- Brain malformations
- Neurometabolic and genetic diseases.
It also aims to assess, diagnose and investigate developmental disorders in children:
- Developmental disorders affecting motor skills, language, etc.
- Autism spectrum disorders (close collaboration with the SPPEA, led by Dr B. Guignet as head of department)
- The aim of the specialist clinic for learning disabilities is to diagnose, evaluate and manage severe learning disabilities in children, at the request of the treating physician, a child psychiatrist or disability insurance. It is intended specifically for children between the ages of 7 and 16.