
Haematology is the medical speciality devoted to the study of the blood. The Valais Hospital Haematology Department is based in the Central Institute, and its medical and technical teams handle blood diseases from the laboratory to the clinic. Its main aim is to provide diagnostic and clinical care for patients suffering from blood diseases in different fields. These include, specifically, general haematology (anaemia, anomalies of the various blood cells), cancers of the blood (leukaemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma), coagulation disorders (haemophilia and other haemorrhagic disorders) and problems connected to transfusion medicine.

The department carries out the analysis and interpretation of blood tests for patients who are hospitalised in Valais Hospital and in Chablais Hospital, but also for outpatients in the Canton of Valais and in the Canton of Chablais vaudois, as well as for patients requiring a specialist opinion.

The most common analyses are carried out on all the sites of Valais Hospital and Chablais Hospital. These include the complete blood count, comprehensive clotting tests, the determination of blood types, compatibility tests etc. Specialist analyses are covered on all sites and carried out in the central laboratory in Sion.

The Haematology Department is also responsible for the development of this speciality and for training the next generation of specialists. The department and the haematology laboratories work closely with the other departments and laboratories of the Central Institute of hospitals, of Valais Hospital and Chablais Hospital, as well as with university haematology departments, in particular with the Haematology Department of the CHUV, the Haematology Department of the HUGs, the Consolidated Haematology-Oncology Unit of Riviera-Chablais Hospital and the Service valaisan de transfusion sanguine (Valais Blood Transfusion Service, SRTS CRS Valais).

