Visp Hospital Accident & Emergency

Emergency medicine is the department of medicine that deals with the care and treatment of medical emergencies. In technical terms, it covers the entire rescue chain and is an interdisciplinary medical field in which all the specialized departments in hospitals are brought together.

The emergency department is open 24 hours a day for mild and acute cases (children, adolescents and adults).

Attendance and current situation


Patient attendance is indicative only and may vary from the actual situation. Patients are treated according to the seriousness of their condition, regardless of their order of arrival at the emergency department.



Useful Phone Numbers

Accident & Emergency


Adult emergencies / On-Call Doctor Valais

+41 900 144 033
This number can be called 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The cost of the call is Fr. 0.50 and Fr. 2.- per minute, capped at Fr. 30.50.

Emergencies for children and teenagers

+41 900 144 027
This number can be called 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The cost of the call is Fr. 0.50 and Fr. 2.- per minute, capped at Fr. 30.50.

Ambulances, Emergency Call, Serious Cases




Rescue Helicopter (Air-Glaciers)


La main tendue (Helping Hand)


Telephone Helpline for Children and Young People


Valais romand Psychiatric Emergencies

+41 800 012 210

Haut-Valais Psychiatric Emergencies

+41 27 604 33 33

Gynaecological emergencies in the French-speaking Valais

+41 27 603 85 22

Obstetrical emergencies / Delivery room in the French-speaking Valais

+41 27 603 42 00

Other numbers


  • 0800 558 143* (CHF 0.50 per call and CHF 1.00 per minute)


  • 0900 144 044* (CHF 0.50 per call and CHF 1.00 per minute) (Calling rate from a fixed network)

*If your subscription does not allow you to reach this type of number, use another telephone and/or contact your operator.

General Practitioner Emergency Centre (HANOW)

The Haut-Vallais General Practitioner Emergency Centre (HANOW) is located in the Viège [Visp] hospital. Unlike the Viège hospital emergency department, where only doctors at the Haut-Valais Hospital work, this emergency service is run by general practitioners in the region.

Each year, over 5,000 patients are treated there. This is where ‘general practitioner emergencies’ are managed, in other words patients who could be treated in a family doctor/GP practice. The Haut-Vallais General Practitioner Emergency Centre (HANOW) and the hospital emergency department are directly linked. The collaboration between these departments is therefore a permanent one.

The Haut-Vallais General Practitioner Emergency Centre (HANOW) is open from Monday to Friday 5.30 p.m. to 9 p.m. and weekends and public holidays from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.

No appointment is necessary, and patients are seen in order of arrival. Only urgent examinations and treatments are carried out. Subsequent interventions and treatment follow-ups are delegated to the family doctor.

Rules of behavior for patients with casts PATIENTS WITH A CAST SHOULD OBSERVE THE FOLLOWING POINTS

  • When the cast is freshly applied, the limb should be elevated as often as possible (above heart level if possible)
  • Fingers and toes which are not immobilized in a cast should be moved as often as possible, as should the adjacent exposed joints
  • Contact your family doctor or our emergency ward immediately (Tel. 027 / 604 21 47 ) if any of the following signs occur:
    • Pressure points in the cast (without improvement by elevation)
    • Fingers or toes fall asleep (without improvement by elevation)
    • Fingers or toes turning blue or pale and cold (without improvement by elevation)
    • Foreign body in the cast
    • The cast is too loose or has slipped out of place
  • As a first measure, you can try to loosen the bandage over a split cast. If this is not successful, contact your family doctor or our hospital immediately
  • It is essential that you keep the appointments for the cast and X-ray check
  • Never try to remove a cast on your own
  • Do not insert any foreign objects into the cast (e.g. knitting needle for scratching), this can lead to unnoticed wounds with subsequent complications such as infections