
Wir arbeiten eng mit einem Netzwerk aus niedergelassenen Gynäkologen, freiberuflichen Hebammen und anderen Krankenhäusern zusammen, um Ihnen eine kontinuierliche Pflegestation zu bieten.

Liaison psychiatry and child psychiatry

These services offer personalised inpatient or outpatient support to patients and their families in complex situations such as traumatic childbirth, perinatal bereavement, high-risk pregnancy, foetal malformation, termination of pregnancy or any other emotional upheaval that might surprise you as a new parent. 

These services also offer antenatal support for parents who request it through their care network.

Independent midwives

The independent midwife is a professional trained to provide a wide range of services. She can provide complete monitoring of a physiological pregnancy, as well as consultations on medical orders in the event of complications during pregnancy.

When you return home, you can receive personalised care from an independent midwife. This professional will come to your home to check on your child's growth and development, and to monitor your health after the birth.

Sages-femmes indépendantes du Valais Romand

SIPE (Sexualité Information Prévention Éducation)

SIPE brings together a highly qualified team of specialists dedicated to all issues relating to intimacy. Located throughout the Valais, the SIPE centres offer personalised support in sexual health, perinatal care (pregnancy assistance) and marital counselling.
This team is on hand to answer your questions about sexuality, reproduction and your emotional life.
As part of our maternity service, members of the SIPE are available from Monday to Friday morning to advise you on contraception and your sexuality after the birth of your baby.

For more information, please visit their website