Unsere Pflegestation
Wir begleiten die Familien vor, während und nach der Geburt mit Sorgfalt und Aufmerksamkeit. Unsere Teams sorgen für eine persönliche Betreuung und bieten Sicherheit und Unterstützung in jeder Phase dieses wunderbaren Abenteuers.
"Classic" childbirth preparation classes
Through this course, we aim to inform you and help you understand the changes your body goes through during this exceptional period. We will accompany you as you familiarize yourself with the mechanisms of childbirth, strengthening your preparation and confidence for this unique moment.
During these sessions, theoretical and practical input will enable you to better understand your body's capabilities, so that you can feel serene as birth approaches.
What's more, we offer you the opportunity to share your experiences and concerns with other pregnant women and future co-parents in sessions guided by an experienced midwife. These encounters are designed to provide you with the mutual, enriching support that is essential during this period of transformation.
Trainer: certified midwife
Schedule: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Duration: 4 sessionsPreparing for childbirth in the pool
This is group aquatic training in a relaxed, friendly atmosphere.
We use strength training exercises to strengthen your body. These exercises are designed to develop your body awareness and help you understand the changes your body goes through during pregnancy.
By working on your breathing, we help you to manage stress and prepare for childbirth. This practice is essential to promote calm and concentration during this important time.
We also focus on relaxation to bring about physical and mental well-being. We provide you with the tools you need to relax with your baby.
Trainer: qualified midwife
Location: Sion hospital and the swimming pool of SUVA's Clinique romande de réadaptation
Schedule: Wednesdays from 19:00 to 20:30
Duration: 1 theoretical session and 6 practical sessionsConsultation with a consultant midwife
This confidential consultation provides a safe space to openly discuss any concerns or worries you may have during your pregnancy. Together, we explore the challenges you face, assess the difficulties and look for solutions tailored to your situation. Our aim is to help you make the most of this time.
Dilatation bath
Our department is equipped with baths specially designed to give you the opportunity to do some of your work in the water to help you relax.
Various blends of essential oils are available to promote relaxation and well-being. These oils are specially chosen for their soothing and relaxing properties. They can be used for massage, diffused into the air or added to bath water, depending on your preferences and needs.
MEOPA (equimolar mixture of oxygen and nitrous oxide)
MEOPA is a drug administered in the form of a gas, inhaled through a mask. It is a short-term anaesthetic that is ideally suited to relieving the pain of contractions during labour. It can be used in pre-labour and during labour, providing effective and temporary pain relief, while allowing the mother to remain conscious and active during the birth process.
Ambulatory epidural
During your labour, you can benefit from an epidural to relieve the pain associated with contractions. We use ambulatory epidurals, which allow you to move around, walk and also go to the toilet (this technique avoids the need to catheterise and return). This technique provides effective pain relief while allowing you to retain a certain amount of freedom of movement and take an active part in the birth process.
Participatory cesarean
Participatory cesarean section aims to recreate as much as possible the experience of a natural birth, placing the parents at the heart of this unique moment.
After a time of exchange and shared decision-making with health professionals, you can opt for a participative cesarean section, provided that no maternal or fetal medical contraindications are identified.
This approach allows you to personalize the birth taking into account your wishes and expectations.
In a muted atmosphere, with the music of your choice, you can live this unique moment in a more active and involved way.
If you wish, you can accompany the birth with push-ups, while having the opportunity to visualize the arrival of your child thanks to an adapted operating field.
Once the child is born, it will be placed skin to skin against you, promoting an intimate and warm first contact. These precious moments of encounter and discovery are p
Ambulatory childbirth
If you wish, you can opt for an outpatient delivery. This means that if there are no contraindications, you can go straight home after being monitored for 6 hours.
To make this transition easier, we recommend that you contact your paediatrician beforehand to arrange for your baby to be monitored on discharge. We also suggest that you use the services of an independent midwife to monitor your baby at home.Water birth
Two of our delivery rooms are equipped with a bathtub, giving you the option of carrying out part of your labour in water. If you wish, and there are no contraindications, you can give birth to your child in water. Our medical and care teams will be on hand to support you and ensure your safety throughout this process.
Late clamping of the umbilical cord
We carry out a late clamping after your newborn baby is one minute old. This method is recommended to maximise blood exchange between mother and baby. Late clamping of the umbilical cord has a number of advantages for maternal and neonatal health. By encouraging better adaptation to life outside the womb, it helps to increase haemoglobin levels and iron reserves in the newborn.
Early skin to skin
Skin-to-skin contact from the very first moments after birth offers a multitude of benefits for both mother and newborn. This warm, intimate contact promotes a smooth transition and a better adaptation to life outside the womb. What's more, this special moment strengthens the emotional bond between mother and baby.
Co-parents can also benefit from this unique moment.
In the operating theatre, during an elective caesarean section, we do our utmost to ensure that the baby is placed skin-to-skin against mum.Perinatal bereavement
Perinatal bereavement refers to the loss of a baby before or after birth, including miscarriage, medical termination of pregnancy for serious abnormalities, or death in utero or in the first week of life. Our team is specially trained to help you through this ordeal and offer you empathetic support. We offer a multidisciplinary approach, working with professionals such as psychologists, psychiatrists and members of the chaplaincy to provide you with comprehensive care.
Parental rooms
Parent rooms are specially designed to encourage the early involvement of co-parents and support a smooth transition to parenthood.
Wellness bath
This is a bath given by the midwife to help the newborn relax and fall asleep. As well as providing a soothing sensation, this bath is also an excellent sensory stimulus for the newborn, easing the transition between intrauterine and extrauterine life.
Lactation consultant
On Mondays and Thursdays, we offer you the chance to meet lactation consultants, midwives specially trained to provide you with expert, personalised support as you embark on your breastfeeding journey.
Consultation on the birth experience
This confidential consultation gives you the opportunity to express your feelings and experiences about your delivery and your stay at Sion Hospital. It's a safe space where you can share your emotions, clarify the details of obstetric care and answer any questions you may have.
Swaddling your baby
Swaddling is the practice of wrapping a baby tightly in a cloth. The aim of this practice is to soothe the newborn by reducing its agitation, to give it a sense of security by containing it and inducing a feeling of safety, and to improve the quality of its sleep.
Nourishing, hydrating touch
We offer massages for newborns using organic rapeseed oil, renowned for its moisturising and nourishing properties.This practice also encourages the development of their sense of touch, an essential element in promoting their development.
Rééducation du périnée
Un-e physiothérapeute est disponible les lundis et jeudis à 13h00 pour fournir des conseils personnalisés et des informations sur la rééducation du périnée. Cet accompagnement est essentiel pour aider les nouvelles mamans à renforcer les muscles du périnée après l’accouchement, favorisant ainsi une récupération optimale et la prévention de certains problèmes de santé à long terme.
Sorties physiologiques faites par les sages-femmes
L’équipe des sages-femmes de l’Hôpital de Sion est formée pour mener les entretiens de sortie au moment de votre retour à domicile. Cette approche permet de renforcer la continuité des soins.