Urology is the medico-surgical speciality devoted to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of diseases, malformations and lesions of the organs of the urinary tract, both in women and in men.
This speciality also includes treatment for disorders of the male reproductive system.
Renal calculus, urinary incontinence, erectile dysfunction and cancers of the genito-urinary system are the main conditions that are treated in the field of urology.
Centre Hospitalier du Valais Romand
Rue St-Charles 14, 3960 Sierre +41 (0)27 603 70 00 chvr.urologie@hopitalvs.chCentre Hospitalier du Valais Romand
Av. Grand-Champsec 80, 1951 Sion +41(0)27 603 76 05 sierre.consultations@hopitalvs.chCentre Hospitalier du Valais Romand
Av. de la Fusion 27, 1920 Martigny martigny.urologie@hopitalvs.chSpitalzentrum Oberwallis
Spitalzentrum Oberwallis (Visp)
Pflanzettastrasse 8, 3930 Viège +41(0)27 604 21 76 szo.urologie@hopitalvs.ch