Phone : 027 603 49 23
E-mail : ich.med.travail(at)hopitalvs.ch
Phone: 027 604 22 80
E-Mail : ich.med.travail(at)hopitalvs.ch
Occupational medicine is essentially a preventive speciality. It caters to all of the staff in Valais Hospital. The Occupational Medicine Department is located in the Central Institute of hospitals.
The application of legal requirements and recommendations in terms of occupational health requires that any professional risks that are specific to a sector be identified beforehand, the aim being to ensure safety at work and to preserve the health of employees. To this end, the Occupational Health Department is staffed with specialists in occupational hygiene and occupational medicine, whose role it is to advise employers and employees regarding health and safety questions.
To this end, studies and analyses of work procedures, of installations and of dangerous products are carried out from this perspective, as are medical monitoring and the tailoring of personal and collective protective equipment. Similarly, analyses of situations in which an occupational accident has occurred with the aim of making ongoing improvements in work conditions.
Companies are responsible for implementing all applicable protective measures and provisions, in accordance with accepted regulations in the field of occupational health and safety, but the appreciation of emerging risks and psycho-social factors is also a requirement for occupational health.
Once an employee is hired, a medical examination allows the company to determine the suitability of this individual for a specific job: the individual’s state of health, the work environment and organisation, the nature of the job activities are all criteria which must be weighed up in order to evaluate how well-suited the individual and the job are to each other. The priority aim is to adapt the job to the individual, and not the other way round!
In cooperation with the Human Resources managers and the work teams, the occupational doctor also aims to allow employees who are affected by health problems to occupy a position that is adapted to their situation, be it on a temporary or permanent basis. He/she will provide the employee with support in approaching social security and insurance organisations, will mobilise resources and facilitate job transfers within the company when these are required.
Phone : 027 603 49 23
E-mail : ich.med.travail(at)hopitalvs.ch
Phone: 027 604 22 80
E-Mail : ich.med.travail(at)hopitalvs.ch