Pre-Operative Evaluation

  • A consultation with the anaesthetist takes place prior to any medical intervention or operation. This discussion along with the anaesthetist’s assessment help to better plan the procedure and processes involved. 
    Where the patient has a choice to make, information should be provided at a point where the patient has sufficient time to weigh up the advantages and disadvantages of the various anaesthesia methods or to get a second opinion.
    There should be sufficient time to provide any additional relevant pre-surgery information and to arrange any options for optimising the treatment. 

  • •    Assess the patient’s level of health
    •    Explain and provide information to the patient
    •    Define the anaesthesia process with the agreement of the patient, taking account of the patient’s level of health and the surgery to be undertaken
    •    Arrange for any additional pre-surgery examinations or treatments required to ensure optimal preparation of the patient
    •    Determine the location of the patient’s post-operative recovery: at home, on the ward, in Intensive Care or in Intermediate Care

  • The anaesthesia consultation will be organised by one of our practice assistants (anaesthesia secretary). A specialist anaesthetist or assistant in training, supervised by a specialist, will take charge of the consultation.

  • If a patient is already attending an outpatient consultation with the surgeon at the hospital, the anaesthesia consultation may take place afterwards. Registrations can also be made via an external phone call. During the consultation with the surgeon or during the anaesthesia consultation, the patient will receive a health questionnaire and anaesthesia information statement. The physician is required to pass all relevant medical documents on to the anaesthesia secretary.

    Any remaining pre-operative examinations required are carried out during the consultation. A discussion with the anaesthetist then takes place during which the nature of the anaesthesia is established (e.g. local or general anaesthetic), pre-surgery medication intake and nil-by-mouth period determined and any questions answered.


(Wednesday and Friday morning)
027 604 30 45

E-mail: szo.anaest(at)

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